- Oct. 28 Notice Regarding Cancellation of Own Shares(42KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Oct. 28 Announcement of Organization and Personnel Change(60KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Oct. 28 Monex Group and Orix Corporation to Merge their Respective Securities Subsidiaries and Enter into Capital Alliance(58KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Oct. 1 Announcement of Subsidiary(Monex, Inc.)'s Personnel Changes(60KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Sep. 18 Announcement of Subsidiary(Monex, Inc.)'s Organization and Personnel Changes(44KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Sep. 18 Interim Dividend Forecast for Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2010(42KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Aug. 20 Announcement of Subsidiary(Monex, Inc.)'s Personnel Change(60KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Jul. 24 Announcement of Subsidiary(Monex, Inc.)'s Personnel Change(41KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Jul. 1 Announcement of Subsidiary(Monex, Inc.)'s Organization and Personnel Changes(41KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Jun. 18 Announcement of Organization and Personnel Changes(61KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Jun. 18 Monex Group To Make Monex University a Wholly Owned Subsidiary(47KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- May. 25 Announcement of Subsidiary(Monex, Inc.)'s Management Changes(41KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Apr. 27 Announcement of Management (Including a Representative Director) and Personnel Changes (43KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Apr. 17 Announcement of Subsidiary(Monex FX)'s Management Changes(42KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Apr. 8 Announcement of Subsidiary(Monex, Inc.)'s Organization and Personnel Changes(61KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Mar. 30 Monex Group to Establish a Joint Venture Company in the People's Republic of China(47KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Mar. 24 Notice about the Administrative Action Taken by the FSA Against Monex, Inc.(49KB) Monex, Inc.
- Mar. 19 Notice Regarding Devaluation Loss on Investment Securities and One Time Write-down of Goodwill for the Fourth Quarter of FYE March 2009(77KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Mar. 19 Dividend Forecast for Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2009(43KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Mar. 19 Monex Group to Make Monex FX a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Through a Short Form Statutory Share Exchange(49KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Mar. 19 Announcement of Subsidiary(Monex, Inc.)'s Personnel Change(41KB) Monex Group, Inc.
- Jan. 30 Announcement of Subsidiary(MAI)'s Management Change(63KB) Monex Group, Inc.