Aspiring to offer new financial services to our
customers with synergies among group companies

A Discussion among Marketing Staff at Monex Securities and Coincheck

Monex Securities and Coincheck

It was April 2018 when Coincheck became a part of Monex Group. How have these two companies collaborated

since then and what synergies have been brought about? Let’s follow this discussion among marketing staff at

Monex Securities and Coincheck.

Q: Can you give us some examples of how Monex Securities and Coincheck have collaborated so far?

Shigeta (Coincheck): Coincheck ran a booth at Customer Thanksgiving Day in March 2023. At Coincheck, we mainly focus on online marketing and communications with limited expertise in running physical events, thus it was a great learning experience for us. Preparation leading up to the event was challenging due to the tight schedule, but we did not have to hesitate to ask and confirm details with the organizing team. It was very reassuring.

Talking with participants during the event, we realized that a larger proportion of Monex Securities customers have accounts with Coincheck than we previously assumed. We saw promising possibilities for more synergies, even though our customers’ age and investment needs may be different from Monex Securities’s customers.

Hashimoto (Monex Securities): Coincheck users are different from Monex Securities’s users in terms of the age group and ways of thinking. It is a great learning for us, too, to see how different themes appeal to different segments of customers and how we balance online and off-line activities.

I found it rewarding when Group companies collaborate in organizing new kind of seminars or creating something entirely new from scratch. If we can upcycle or brush up our content, it is possible to create a great business flow. Our goal is to expand our offerings within the Group. Having analysts from Coincheck is one of such examples.

Morikawa (Coincheck): Yes, we invited Matsushima-san, Monex University’s crypto asset analyst, to our investment seminar, “Coincheck Periodic Payment Plans.” This started off as a pilot program but has now grown into a series of seminars, in which he gives commentaries and market forecasts from an analyst’s perspective. His presentation is highly regarded by Coincheck users. We normally receive roughly 100 participation applications for each seminar. By combining the strengths of Monex Securities and Coincheck, we are delivering content that our users want to explore.

Hashimoto (Monex Securities): In addition to the areas of my work, we are also working together in Point Exchange Service, which allows users to exchange one Monex point with an equivalent 1 yen of crypto assets, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple (XRP) for the real time rate, as well as editing a report, “Classification of Business Model and Profit Estimation for Blockchain Game,” issued by Monex Crypto Bank.

Q: What particular plans will you be collaborating in the future? What are you particularly enthusiastic about?

Ishino (Monex Securities): Because we offer different products and services catering to a different demographic of customer, we can expect great synergies through exchanging ideas and collaboration. Monex Securities tends to have more younger users attending our seminars across the country when crypto assets is one of the seminar themes. We can try out many different things to see what may work. It would be really interesting if the unique combination of crypto asset and investment funds bring about something unexpected.

Shigeta (Coincheck): Introducing Coincheck users to investments in stocks, and introducing Monex Securities users to crypto asset… we should be able to collaborate more within the Group to appeal to our respective customers. We are counting on your continued support.

Thank you for your positive comments. We will see how the synergies within the Group will help us deliver new kinds of financial services to our users! 

From the left: Hashimoto-san (Marketing in charge of FX and CFD at Monex Securities), Ishino-san (in charge of Monex Activist Fund), Morikawa-san (Coincheck Marketing in charge of Coincheck Periodic Payment Plans), Shigeta-san (Digital Marketing)
From the left: Hashimoto-san (Marketing in charge of FX and CFD at Monex Securities), Ishino-san (in charge of Monex Activist Fund), Morikawa-san (Coincheck Marketing in charge of Coincheck Periodic Payment Plans), Shigeta-san (Digital Marketing)