Monex Group has implemented a program called ART IN THE OFFICE that invites entries of two-dimensional works from budding artists who play an active role in the contemporary art arena with the help of Arts Initiative Tokyo (AIT) since 2008. The winner’s work will be displayed on the walls of the press room at the head office for about a year.
The prize-winning artist stays in an office at the group’s head office for a certain period of time; the artist produces a work of art as he/she exchanges with employees. An experience of creating a piece of work in an office space stimulates an artist’s intellect and sensibility and encourages him/her to come up with a work inspired by Monex. Meanwhile, employees can also expose themselves to the artist’s trial-and-error process all the time until his/her work is complete and know a variety of artistic expression, which in turn helps them understand the importance of diverse values or modes of thought.
The award-winning work will not only be featured on the cover of the group’s integrated report targeting shareholders/investors but have a number of opportunities to be publicized by various media through coverage using the press room as well. We have organized a public event to enable the general public to gain a whole new, unique experience of appreciating art of works in an office space that is neither a museum nor a gallery since 2011, thereby working on offering various opportunities to allow people to have an encounter with contemporary art on a continuous basis.
This program has been awarded the Good Design Award in 2012, organized by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion. It is evaluated for the creative initiative.